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Make Teeth Brushing Fun for Your LittleOnes

A child's life merely consists of playing and children generally accept new things better when they are presented in a play-like way. Therefore, introducing a dental routine should be no different. A child should have fun while brushing its teeth. By doing so, the child will develop a positive attitude towards brushing and make dental hygiene a part of his daily routine.

Dental care should start as early as your child gets its first baby teeth. Even though they will eventually fall out, the health of milk teeth is extremely important because they save spaces for the permanent ones and inflamed milk teeth roots may interfere with the healthy development of subsequent teeth. Also, healthy milk teeth support speaking development so the early loss of milk teeth can affect your child's speech and pronunciation. Milk teeth also help baby chew, which is essential for a good digestion. All in all, nurturing milk teeth is a guarantee for an overall dental health later on and adequate teeth hygiene is the only method to succeed at it. Many parents ask themselves how to make brushing a fun and enjoyable daily activity. So here are some helpful tips.

Be Your Child's Role model

All the talk is in vain unless you really set a good example to your children. Children learn everything about life and behavior by observing and imitating their parents. So, if you want your child to be conscientious about its dental routine, you have to show by your example how it is done. Brush together and take your time, the child can sit on your lap in front of the bathroom mirror. The child will copy you and every day become more and more successful. If you start with this routine from an early age, your baby will probably automatically open its mouth when you come to the bathroom and take a toothbrush. It will allow you to clean its teeth without any problem.

Praise Your Child

We all like to be rewarded with a “way to go” or “Bravo”. Tell the child he is excellent at what he is doing and he will be even more motivated. You can start introducing a toothbrush as early as 6 months of age. The silicone toothbrushes designed especially for young babies are a great way to start. A baby of six moths instinctively puts everything in the mouth so you can easily introduce a gummy toothbrush. Children usually adore them because they sooth their gums irritated by teething. Give your baby the gummy toothbrush after each meal and praise him when he starts putting it in the mouth. Many babies already have a few teeth at that point so they will unconsciously clean their little teeth and get used to a toothbrush at the same time. As the child gets older, introduce a soft-bristled toothbrush and show him how to brush by moving the brush back and forth. After brushing, you can reward the child by giving him a gummy toothbrush to chew and play.

Explain How to Brush

Teething babies will eagerly put a gum toothbrush in their mouth but in order for your child to really do some brushing, explain him how it is done. At first, the child will need some help, but if you demonstrate how you brush your teeth, the child will copy and soon become more and more independent. Other family members can also join and brush in front of the baby. Older children who understand simple explanations can be explained how food stains out teeth and that brushing actually makes them teeth clean again. At this age, children's books about teeth and oral care can be helpful because they explain in a child-appropriate way how important brushing is.

A Funny Hourglass or Timer

A great hourglass, timer or a toothbrush clock with funny noises may also motivate your child to brush its teeth. When the sand trickles through the glass or while the music plays, the child will be motivated to fulfill its task in time. The child will definitely not be bored and the teeth will be spotlessly clean.


Amusing nursery rhymes such as "This Is The Way We Brush Our Teeth” or “Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me” will create a great mood during dental hygiene. You can also do a teeth cleaning dance if you enjoy dancing. Brushing will become a fun activity.

Listen to music!

Put on your child's favorite music while brushing. If you notice that the teeth are not properly cleaned, then the music goes off.

Evening Routine

Motivate your child with its own toothbrush that is colorful or with his favorite cartoon characters. Introduce a simple phrase: “Wash your hands, wash your face, brush your teeth.” Tell him a story that explains the importance of brushing their teeth, such as “The Toothy Toad” or make up your own while brushing.

Stuffed Friend with Teeth

If your child is unwilling to brush its teeth, buy a stuffed animal with teeth, such as a crocodile, and pretend to brush the crocodile's teeth. While the child is doing it, tell a story how important brushing is for everyone.



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